My Beard
Winter 2000
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Fri Mar 5 14:38:04 2004 from Matthew < >
you have no beard, you can't grow a beard! (Just like me)
Wed Apr 7 14:27:04 2004 from Anders Åsberg < >
I must say, a most impressing task You´ve given yourself. This is as close as we can come to you I suppose? Next time You see a shampoo comercial, take a close look on the surface structure of the computer drawn hair and You will see an organic structure, much like a fir cone. I like your pictures and I hope it´s allright if I use them as examples in my work as a teacher in Art in a collage in Sweden. Best regards Anders Å
Mon Dec 13 19:55:55 2004 from andi < >
very manly...LOL How's it feel to know that students in Sweden are learning from your work? Way cool.
Sat Jan 29 19:51:22 2005 from ZHP
congrats. you made it to sweden
Sun Mar 13 06:17:47 2005 from Brian McGee < >
fantastic picture. makes me think of a storybook giant.
Mon Dec 12 15:08:41 2005 from Lope < lope_away at yahoo dot com >
I like Swedes - tall, blond, and they play soccer. Yow.
Seriously though, Swedes are some of the most environmentally conscious people around - read
- and are a great example for the rest of us.